Alexandra (11 years old, Budapest)

Alexandra is a nice , blond girl living with her mother and sister. They have escaped into a more peaceful world from an other dark and noisy world. Her big dream was to have a pink or red MP4 device, which we could obtain from one of our regular supporters.

Even if arrival was not a surprise for her, she was very happy about the dark red MP4 device. Said thank you by embracing us warmly. Her brown coloured older sister promissed immediately to help

Alexandra to upload music in order she can use it as soon as possible.
We enjoyed staying with them very much. We felt the biggest power here is love and cooperation.
Alexandra, let this new device make you joy and fun!

Mocsonoky Andrea
wish coordinator
Budapest, 2009. augusztus. 06.

We could meet this wish based on te support of

Mr Dr György Tesics and the AAA Klinikák Dent Kft.


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