Dzsenifer (17 years old, Jászladány)
Dzsenifer is a fragile, beautiful young woman, who had never had a phone before. This is why she asked for one from the Csodalámpa Foundation.
She was so happy that she could hardly utter a word... She was just looking at her beautiful and colorful phone.
Dzsenifer still has a lot of treatments before her and long hospital stays and I hope that her new phone gives her a good and joyful time during the healing process.

Jászladány, Szeptember 29, 2016.
Arnold (18 years old, Hódmezővásárhely)
Please read Arnold's own lines about his wish granting:
My name is *** Arnold, and I could realise my dream to travel to Venice with the help of Csodalámpa.
It was like a fairy tale with the typical Venice streets and nice Italian people. The view was amazing and the people at our hotel welcomed us really nicely. The snacks and drinks, the attractions, and being lost a lot of times in the maze of small streets made this journey exciting and wonderful.
Despite the fact that this was my first time in Mestre, I felt myself really comfortable there, like I had been living there for half a year, living my own life with smaller or greater responsibilities. It was almost weird to go sightseeing with a tourist group in the small streets. The moment we stepped into a temple, the sight was wonderful. There wasn’t any empty space on the walls. There were frescos everywhere. The temple was the painter’s canvas.
I was able to gratify my desires about the Italian art and the only word that I could think about was: wow!!
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I don’t even know what to say. I am really grateful and I thank to everybody who helped with this wish to be made true. Half of my heart still wants to go back because this trip filled me with so much joy....

September 28, 2016
Anett (17 years old, Miskolc)

Another wish was came true, and I am very happy about it as a volunteer because I haven’t seen such a happy kid a long time ago...
Anett is a pretty young woman, and she is in her third year in high school. At a scheduled treatment session we talked about her illness and many other things and also, that she can wish something because of her "magic lamp" illness.
She was endlessly happy and she told us her wish right away. She wanted a laptop.
Her dream was realised pretty fast, to her big surprise.
Her joy was unspeakable which can be seen in the picture. She really needed this computer for her studies and to keep in touch with her friends.
We are very grateful for Csodalámpa and it's supporters.

Miskolc, September 27, 2016
Gábor (17 years old, Szinpetri)

Gábor is a very quiet and introvert young man. He had a hard time figuring out what to wish, but finally he managed to make a wish. His sister, Eszter helped him a lot with the wish because her dream was already made true by Csodalámpa’s Genie. Gábor was really looking forward to see if it is possible to fulfill his wish...
Then on a warm summer day, late afternoon we arrived to their house with a big TV. It was a big surprise. Only Gábor’s mother and sister knew the secret, because Eszter found it out from their mom, but she kept it the secret, and didn’t tell her brother about it. The pictures show how happy and surprised was Gábor after getting his new TV. I’m finishing my report with his modest and suggestive words:
„I would like to thank all the Csodalámpa employees and supporters, because exept from my family, I have never got a surprise before.”
It was a big pleasure for me to fulfill this wish and see, how much happiness can Csodalámpa give to a family.

Miskolc, August 11, 2016
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