Fanni (9 years old, Mosonmagyaróvár)
Carlos Santana unfortunately hasn't given any concerts in Hungary for a few years now.
No wonder that we were very surprised when in January 2014, the then 7-year old Fanni asked us to organize a meeting with Carlos Santana!
So where did her idea come from? Fanni told us that her grandfather, whom she had only seen on video recordings, used to play the music of Santana, and since she never had a chance to meet him, at least she wanted to meet his favourite musician.
We at Magic Lamp live for these seemingly impossible wishes; thus we started to rack our brains how we could arrange the meeting of Fanni and this world-traveling artist.
Of course we told Fanni that it's going to take a lot of time and luck to make this wish come true. It could even take years, if Santana doesn't perform in Hungary or in a neighbouring country. But Fanni was holding on to her wish, saying that she was willing to wait patiently, as long as it takes.
After doing some research, we found out that Santana was actually booked to perform in Austria, in a town called Burg Clam. So okay, we can buy a ticket and take Fanni to the concert, but how were we going to organize the meeting?
It turned out that Mr. Santana has a foundation, The Milagro Foundation, which helps disadvantaged children in the fields of education, health-care, and arts.
So we wrote to this foundation, and explained to them who we are and what we do. Fanni also wrote a beautiful letter, explaining why she wanted to meet Mr Santana. The people at the foundation forwarded our letters to the concert tour manager, who sent them to the artist.
After exchanging many emails and making many phone calls, finally our little group, including us, Fanni, and her parents finally arrived to Burg Clam. Fanni and her parents were put up in a gorgeous few-hundred year old palace. With that another secret wish of Fanni had come true. Even the owner of the palace, count Clam came down to personally greet Fanni.
Mean as we are, we still didn't tell Fanni the real purpose of this trip. We only told her that we were going to the concert, where she could give her drawings to the manager, who will give them to Mr. Santana. In our defense, we have to note that Fanni's parents also participated in the conspiracy. However, they taught Fanni a few useful Spanish sentences. Just in case..
Finally the time of the concert had come. We were only told to that - as special guests - to be at the left side of the stage at 7:15 pm. There we were greeted by the chief of security, who escorted us backstage. In a few seconds Mr. Santana himself walked in.
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As they say, a picture is worth of thousand words. But the point is that Fanni was able to hand over her gifts, including a Gabor Szabó CD, to Mr. Santana in person. The artist thanked her for the gifts and wished her a fast recovery. As it turned out Fanni didn't learn the Spanish sentences in vain; she was able to wish Mr. Santana a happy birthday in Spanish.
But now it was Mr. Santana's turn to surprise all of us : he gave Fanni a PRS SE One Santana Abraxas White Wash guitar. He even signed the special instrument for Fanni.
The concert was to begin shortly, so it was time to take our leave. We gave Mr. Santana and the organizers our signature Magic Lamp gingerbread cookies, then said goodbye.
Fanni watched the two-hour long "Corazon Tourˇ concert from the best imaginable place: from a window of the palace.
We wish Fanni a speedy and complete recovery!

Burg Clam,July 19, 2015
Dávid (12 years old, Budapest)
Dávid loves to ride his bicycle. He often goes on long rides with his father on the neighbouring hills and mountains. Unfortunately his old bicycle is unable to handle the heavy usage anymore. So David asked Magic Lamp for a brand new bicycle with a telescopic suspension.
Even though David still has many treatments ahead of him, from mid-summer he will be able to gradually increase the distance. As soon as he saw his new bike he looked at it from every angle, with a big smile on his face. Of course he wanted to try it out right away, so he took it out to the street and rode it for a little while.
Afterthat he proudly took it home. David has already started planning a longer trip with his father, now the only thing he needs is his doctor's approval.
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Budapest, June 24, 2015

Tünde (12 years old, Hajdúböszörmény)

The wish of the 12 years old girl from Hajduboszormeny was a Cruiser bicycle she already dreamed of in the hospital.
We managed to fulfill the wish of Tunde today – we brought the beautiful strawberry-colored bike to her together with Laszlo Antal.
She watched with smiling eyes as her mom unwrapped the bicycle. She told us that she will first use it on the way to her grandma to visit her favorite cats. Get well Tunde!
We wish you quick recovery.
Wish coordinator
Hajdúböszörmény, 10/05/2014
Nikolett (16 years old, Gyula)
Although Niki is from Gyula, she spends her weekdays in Dunaujvaros, because she became a student at the Handball Academy there.
Since she spends her life in two distant towns, her wish was to get an iPhone, which could make it easier to stay in touch with her family and friends. As the long weekend was getting closer, we discussed with Krisztina Szoboszlaine Buvar, an associate of Invitel, to grant that wish as soon as possible. We visited Niki in her home at Gyula.
We were welcomed by quite a company, as Niki’s friend was also there to spend the weekend with the family. Her little brother accompanied us in the handover with a smile on his face.
Niki was really happy that her wish was granted so quickly, as this phone will make it much easier to stay in touch with her handball team when she is at home or at the clinic.
We were happy to make a wish come true for this adorable, smiling big girl.
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Wish coordinator
Gyula, 23/05/2015
Mátyás (7 years old, Isaszeg)
Already on our first meeting it became apparent that Matyi simply loves books, then later I also learned he reads them studiously as well – especially ones about cars.
He told me his favorite car brand was Ferrari and he has once seen an ad on TV about a huge Ferrari book he very much wanted to have, but cost so much that he’d have to keep putting money in his piggy bank for years until he could buy it. Then, „closing the topic” he only said with a smile:
Nothing could be easier! – thought the Genie naively.
There was great disappointment however, when after a lengthy search it turned out that this special book was no longer on sale. The Genie, exhausted, was sitting on the steps of the bookshop when – like in a tale – a kind fairy was going that way, and upon learning the Genie’s big sorrow, only said: ’Never despair, I’ll get that book for you even if I have to give my life for it!’ – And so it happened and the fairy, namely Mr. Ákos Balogh, co-owner of the Libri publishing company soon came merrily with the news that Matyi’s wish can already come true – and together with the huge Ferrari book he also conjured another fantastically exciting Ferrari handbook, full of Ferrari wonders.
The Genie was beaming with happiness as he knew these beautiful books will get into the hands of a real little expert.
Then a few days went past and it turned out that the chamber of secrets was far from empty, and a host of mysterious surprises were awaiting Matyi, of course all of them revolving around Ferrari.
Conspiring with Matyi’s parents, we lured the little lad in front the Budapest Ferrari dealership. The boy arrived with his father, and seeing the Ferrari logo over the entrance and the two kind, smiling people in front of it, he already suspected that a real surprise was waiting for him inside.
Mr. Alessandro Lippi and Ms. Zsuzsa Kis, representatives of Ferrari Budapest welcomed the boy with so much love that all his anxiety evaporated, and stepping inside he immediately made his way towards a „modest”, fiery-red Ferrari like he was there every day. Inspecting and stroking the car he hardly believed his ears when he was told he can sit in. The true wonder came next however, when he was allowed to start the engine – certainly with the help of a kind salesman. Oh my, what a sound it had! We all felt like we were standing next to a Formula-1 racetrack.
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Matyi got out of the car with a little bit of pain in his heart, but soon found out that countless other wonders were waiting for him – in the workshop he already inspected the car laid out there like a serious expert, looking at its insides and the engine bay, but he had the chance to see many more dream cars... and the list of surprises still didn’t end: from the kindness of Zsuzsa and Alessandro he had the honor to be the first one to sit in the streamlined Ferrari that will take part on the races to be organized on Hungaroring in the summer of 2015 – and Matyi, as guest of honor will be able to see again the supercar whose seat he already warmed up.
When little Matyi already thought that he will unable to take in this much experience for a day, Alessandro picked the boy up laughing, stood him on the desk and together with Zsuzsa, presented him with all the gifts from the Genie: obviously starting with the requested big Ferrari book along with the small handheld „bible”, then a list of extra gifts: a real „adult” book for the brand in Italian (will be useful to start learning the language!), Ferrari pencils and diary, T-shirt, a huge poster with a moving personal message from Alessandro – and leaving the gift kindest to the boy to the last, a Ferrari 430 model car.
I cannot recall the moment how Matyi came down from the top of the desk, but I do remember that his eyes were glinting with deep gratitude and the promise that it will take some time for him to process all these wonderful experiences. He will surely never forget the reception full of love he was given by the warm-hearted representatives of Ferrari Budapest, Zsuzsa Kis and Alessandro Lippi.
Saying goodbye, I asked Matyi: do all these gifts worth you a kiss? And the answer was simple and explicit: ’Yes, even a thousand!’
Dear little Matyi, the entire team of Csodalámpa is wishing you a speedy and full recovery, and when your piggy bank will contain enough money to buy a real Ferrari, think of us and take us for a spin!
Wish coordinator
Budapest, 14/11/2014
Máté (9 years old, Nyársapát)

I arrived to Nyársapát on Good Friday to visit Máté. We were unwrapping his present together, and her mother was configuring the laptop. From that time Máté was fascinated and completely forgot about everything around him while familiarizing himself with his new machine. It was obvious that he has good computer skills, from now on he can use his own laptop.
Enjoy your present, Máté.
Wish coordinator

Levente Ákos (13 years old, Sóshartyán)
Levente has been staying Miskolc’s GYEK hospital for a long time. His illness ties him to bed. He watches TV a lot. This is his favorite pastime.
He has heard of a kid in the hospital whose wish for an LCD TV was miraculously granted by Magic Lamp. This made Levente wish for a TV too.
On a bright sunny day his wish was granted by Magic Lamp and he was given a shiny new Samsung TV. His father helped set up the new TV which has a brilliant picture indeed.
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Dear Levente!
I wish you lots of joy watching beatufil films on your new TV.

Wish coordinator
Miskolc, 05/05/2015
Levente (4 years old, Miskolc)
This is how the family remembers:
Levente is about to turn 5 years old this summer, but haven’t yet had the chance to go the beach – to splash, as he says.
Before departure we told him that we would go to a really fun place where he can splash as much as he wants.
After departure from Miskolc, we were listening to him, “Levi’s gonna splash!”, and once we arrived to the hotel, we almost couldn’t check in for he was so excited.
We got beautiful rooms, we could take them even as a home, but had little time to wander, couldn’t even unpack, because a few minutes after entering the room, Levi was already in his bathing suit.
Then at last we entered the bath, and he could splash! The first jump was followed by another 40. He couldn’t care less about swallowing water; he enjoyed his time all the better. Out the pool, in the pool, over to the paddling pool, down the small slide, and again, and again, and again, running to the part with fountains and tunnels, then to the great slide, slide all the way down, falling, bumping the head, and laughing out loud to finish. He wasn’t thirsty by the evening, that’s for sure!
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The dinner was a feast, followed by the well-deserved, relaxing night’s sleep ... only until half five, because Mr. Splash rose early and came over to tell us that we cone go splash.
And that’s how five wonderful and unforgettable days passed. Obviously we tried the hotel’s other facilities: the play-house with the slide with tunnel, the trampoline or a nice walk in the park after dinner. The whole family got tired by the end for it was so intense, but we had an inexplicably good time and Levente is still looking at the pictures and videos taken of him splashing into the water.
Thank you to Boboorszag and Csodalampa, for us it was like a miracle.
Alsópáhok, 25/04/2015

Hanna (13 years old, Dorog)
Hanna’s big dream came true when she was able to participate on the concert of Alma Egyuttes, where she could finally listen to them live.
The concert was a great success among all participants, however for Hanna the venue was very special as she was separately greeted and welcomed by the band. The concert was held at the Lurdy Haz, Lurko Bill City –Wild West Playground. Photos were taken as well.
Since Hanna fights her disease every day it was especially wonderful to see her joy and happinness and that we were a part of bringing a small wonder to her life.
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Wish coordinator
Budapest, 15/02/2015
Fruzsina (4 years old, Sajókeresztúr)
Fruzsika has been treated in Miskolc at GYEK.
Her treatment comes to an end soon, however she still cannot have company for a while. She is fond of swinging and sliding though. There was no doubt what she would like to get from Magic Lamp Wish Fulfilling Foundation.
Fruzsika’s dream of course was to have her own wooden playground in the garden; therefore the jinn of Magic Lamp delivered the so awaited swing, slide, and jungle gym to the little girl.
Fruzsika happily started to take possession of her playgound.
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We all wish the little girl to spend many happy hours at the playground and have a quick recovery.

Wish coordinator
Sajókeresztúr, 17/04/2015
Ferenc Dominik (6 years old, Szeged)
7 year old Ferike from Szeged is recovering after surgery. He watches wresting on TV every Saturday night, he knows 30 wrestlers by their names, on top of this, even the doctors and the nurses had a lesson held by him on the the genre.
It was no question what Ferike’s wish could be: He wanted to watch a live wrestling event and meet the wrestlers themselves. But how is it possible? Luckily - first time in history – WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment) visited Budapest with its live show.
Magic Lamp arranged that Ferike, with his parents, could attend the show, whilst the Hungarian and the American organizers made it possible, that behind the scenes he had a chance to talk to a real wrestler. He was really excited, because all along it was a secret who is it going to be.
Then it turned out: Dolph Ziggler (whose real name is Nicholas Nemeth and according to Wikipedia has hungarian origin) was talking to him.
Ferike prepared with 100 questions, but in the presence of the star, he kind of lost his courage... Of course, they were still chatting for around 10 minutes, there was a photo taken, signed shirt and magazines.
After that, we took our places in the Arena, and the show started soon.
Ferike knew every wrestler, he was cheering for the whole two hours. As his father told me: „He said in the morning, Dad, I wish this day would never end.”
During the show he managed to get another special „present”: Roman Reigns walked past us into the ring and a piece of his hair landed right in the hands of Ferike...
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The final, and the main fight was between everyone’s - and Ferike’s favourite - the superstar, John Cena and Rusev, the Russian conqueror. Ten thousand people celebrated Cena entering the Arena. The east opening was cancelled on that night as well, and finally the american Cena defeated the Russian Rusev.

Wish coordinators
Budapest, 17/04/2015
Áron (9 years old, Ózd)
Áron from Ózd spends a lot of time in hospital due to his illness. Usually, he gets very bored during the lengthy treatments, therefore he wished for an X BOX KINECT from the Magic Lamp (Csodalámpa) Foundation.
The Ginnie of the Magic Lamp was played by a family from the same city. The two sons of this family were also granted their wishes by the Magic Lamp Foundation when they were younger and ill. The elder one, Peter, asked for a laptop, and the younger, Patrik, wanted to travel to Euro-Disneyland with his father.
Both wishes were granted by the Ginnie of the Magic Lamp. This happened many years ago. Since then the boys grew up...
But they remembered what a great feeling it was when their wishes were granted so they vowed that when they would have the means they would return the favor and help another ill child’s dream come true. And thus it happened.
The Csoma family lives and works in Germany for a number of years, and so now they have the means to become the one who gives the gifts. The large family could hardly fit in the small isolation ward where Áron is treated.
To his big surprise Áron received a big box, in it lay hidden the X BOX with many games. And there was much rejoicing. The Csoma family was very happy when they saw the joy on Áron’s face. And Áron’s father was moved to tears by the generosity.
This has been a rare and fortunate event in the life of the Magic Lamp foundation, that former gift receivers could become gift givers.
Dear Áron,
We all wish from the depth of our heart that you find joy in this gift.

Wish coordinator
Miskolc, 13/04/2015
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