Search for: Kryptowährung Spenden

175 results found
Szebasztián (5 years old, Jánoshalma)
Sebastian aged 5, spent his days in the Clinic without his parents. We became friends when he was half way through his treatment. After listing many wishes, he decided to ask for a pedal go-car.
Balázs (15, Budapest)
Balázs likes to spend his time modelling and have lately been working on a railway plotting board. Some of the railway lines have already been placed, buildings are being prepared but the train is…
Péter (11 years old, Székesfehérvár)
I hope that part of the day we didn’t spend together was as enjoyable as the time the children spent with me. We wish all of you good health. 1250_Peter_1.jpg 1250_Peter_2.jpg 1250_Peter_3.
Magic Lamp Charity Evening
Thanks to the donations of the 2017. charity evening we could spend almost 3.000.000 HUF on fulfilling wishes of life-threatheningly ill children.
Patrícia Liliom (6, Kolontár)
The hours spent on watching cartoons make her days in the hospital more bearable; therefore, she wished from the Magic Lamp Wish Granting Foundation nothing else than a tablet, capable of watching…
2021-11-10 Janka
Janka loves to spend a lot of time outdoors, but when the weather is bad, she prefers to watch fairy tales. She asked the Magic Lamp Foundation for a tablet to watch her favourite fairy tale series…
2023-01-17 Mate
In addition to playing and listening to music, he also likes to spend his free time playing digital games. He wanted a computer monitor from Csodalámpa, which he had been waiting for and with a big…
2023-07-12 Csenge Lilla
Csenge had to spend few days in hospital several times due to her illness. She is passing the time of waiting with two things. One of them is a new hobby, crocheting.
2023-11-23 Dora
… phone, so she borrowed her mother's old device when she had to spend several days in the hospital. So the enormous happiness that owning a smartphone brings to the little girl is understandable.
2007-08-29 Nikoletta
She could spend at Lake Balaton one week with her family. It was really great experience for her. The weather was fantastic, sunny and hot, so she could spend the all day with her younger sister in…
175 results found

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